Confusion can become an instrument of the devil. Doubt can become an enemy of faith due to confusion.
When we are contemplating significant matters like the first coming of Christ, it’s essential to discover the truth to ensure it settles in our hearts and prevents confusion.
If there is any doubt or confusion about the reason for Jesus’ death and resurrection, it is imperative to eliminate it.
Satan will take advantage of this opportunity to sow a lie. A lie that will grow over time if not eliminated by the truth.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to accomplish the forgiveness of sins on earth through His death.
He died to establish the new covenant between God and His people. Without His sacrifice, we would all be condemned by our sinful nature. His perfect work is completed by His resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ should be at the core of our faith. Without the resurrection, which has been witnessed by many, we would not have Faith in Jesus Christ. A faith that has held up through the ages.
Understanding this truth, which can only be truly revealed and accepted through the Holy Spirit, enhances our hope in the Lord and faith in the Almighty God.
We must pray to the Holy Spirit for Truth to take root in our lives. God’s truth. May the spirit of truth reign in our hearts and the lies caused by confusion be eliminated.
Almighty Lord, let Your truth reign over confusion in our lives today. In Jesus’ name, Amen!