God is a God of abundance. He reaches out to us in the hope that we will take His hand through a heart willing to accept His will.
A willing heart is attainable through the gratitude we must express in our lives.
God’s word asks us to be grateful.
”Don’t be anxious about anything, but always ask God for what He needs. And when you pray, make your requests with a grateful heart”. Philippians C4,V6
In the hand that God holds out to us are His miracles. The miracles Christ wants to accomplish in our lives.
What stands in the way of the living manifestation of His miracles is our heart, which lacks disposition to God’s love.
Now, how can we make our hearts ready to receive God’s miracles?
Through gratitude.
Through gratitude, our heart undergoes a transformation that leads us to this openness of mind where the Holy Spirit will take advantage of this state of mind to concretize the miracles God wants to share with us.
Let’s breathe in gratitude.
Let’s get into the habit of expressing gratitude at all times.
In the car, on a walk, in any moment of reflection we experience, we can say thank you to Jesus Christ for this or that accomplishment He has made a reality in our lives.
Lord Almighty, thank You for Your knowledge and Your hand that You extend to me. Help me, Jesus, to develop this state of gratitude in my heart, so that I can accept the miracles You want to share with me. Thank You, Lord. Thank You Lord. Amen!